




 2010年 获清华大学新闻学士学位

 2012年 获清华大学传播学硕士学位

 2020年 获香港城市大学传播学博士学位



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 林斯娴 2021),《西方主流媒体涉华报道的框架策略分析》,现代国际关系, 1(387)53-60.

 林斯娴 2020),《语言、身份与运动框架:三次香港“中文运动”的框架策略研究》,港澳研究371-81拟转载于《新时 代国家安全话语体系研究》课题成果《语言与安全研究第一辑》.



 林芬&林斯娴(2017),《香港青年的中国观:民族认同与香港学生运动》,载香港《二十一世纪》,12 (164):66-86.






1、 LIN Sixian & LIN Fen, (2019), “The mother, the sea and the zoo: Metaphors in the National Identity Construction among Hong Kong Students”, presented at the 1st Annual Meeting of the Society for Hong Kong Studies, Hong Kong. 22 June 2019.

2、 LIN Sixian, “The Fading National Identity: Framing the Make Chinese an Official Language Movement in colonial and post-colonial Hong Kong”, presented at the 69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA. 24/05/2019-28/05/2019.

3、 LIN Sixian & Lin Fen, “Why Framing National Identities Fails: A Case Study on the Anti-National Education Movement in Hong Kong”, 论文展示于中华新闻传播学术联盟第九届研究生学术研讨会暨青年学者论坛, 香港城市大学, 中国。 10/11/2017 - 11/11/2017

4、 LIN Sixian & Lin Fen, “Why Framing National Identities Fails: A Case Study on the Anti-National Education Movement in Hong Kong”, presented in the American Sociological Association (ASA) 2017 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 12/08/2017 - 15/08/2017

5、 Lin Fen & LIN Sixian, “Being Chinese? National Identity and Student Movements in Hong Kong”, presented in the American Sociological Association (ASA) 2017 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada. 12/08/2017 - 15/08/2017

6、 LIN Sixian & LIN Fen, “Why Framing National Identities Fails: A Case Study on the Anti-National Education Movement in Hong Kong”, paper presented in the 5th Honours Symposium for Asian PhD students in Communication Research, Singapore, 15/11/2014 - 16/11/2014.

7、 Hexin CHEN, Wanqi GONG, LIN Sixian, & Miriam Hernandez “Hong Kong-er Or Chinese? Impact of Mainland Tourist News on Hong Kong Students' Social Identity”, paper presented in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA, 8/8/2013 - 11/8/2013.

8、 LIN Sixian & LIN Fen, “From National Education to Brainwashing: The dynamic framing contest and media strategies in a Hong Kong student movement”, paper presented in the International Association for Media and Communication Research 2013 conference, Dublin, 25/6/2013 - 29/6/2013.


 Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students(研究生卓越学术贡献奖), 香港城市大学,2013-14学年。

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 International Journal of Intercultural Relations 期刊审稿人

 《国际跨文化传播学刊》(Journal of Transcultural Communication)编辑



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