


                 Intercultural Communication-Our Past, Present and Future (全英文、不设翻译

主讲人:   Stephen Croucher 教授,新西兰梅西大学,传播、新闻与营销学院院长






Stephen M Croucher (Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2006) is the Professor and Head of the School of Communication, Journalism, and Marketing at Massey University.  He researches immigrant cultural adaptation, religion and communication, statistics, and conflict.  He has also explored how religion influences communication behaviors. He is the winner of numerous top paper awards at regional, national, and international conferences, has authored more than 85 journal articles and book chapters, authored/co-edited 10 books, and given keynote addresses in more than 20 nations.  He serves on the editorial boards of more than 10 journals, is the current editor of the Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (2010-2019) and served as the editor of Speaker & Gavel (2010-2015).  He is the former chair of the Intercultural Communication Division of the International Communication Association, the European

Stephen Croucher教授(美国奥克拉荷马大学博士,2006年),新西兰梅西大学传播、新闻与营销学院院长,主要研究领域为跨文化传播、移民与跨文化适应、统计分析,以及冲突与传播,等等。曾在多个国际和地区会议上获得卓越论文奖。先后发表了85篇期刊论文和书本章节,出版10本著作,并受邀在超过20个国家的学术会议上作主旨发言。兼任《跨文化传播研究》(Journal of Intercultural Communication Research)主编,曾担任国际传播学会(ICA)跨文化传播分会主席,世界传播学协会欧洲分会副主席。


the state of intercultural communication as a field of academic inquiry

The purpose of this talk is to critically analyze the state of intercultural communication as a field of academic inquiry. This discussion has three purposes. First, this discussion summarizes where the discipline has been, paying close attention to the discipline’s history and some key areas of research. Second, this discussion explores where the discipline is going, with an emphasis on how intercultural communication is expanding into new contextual areas of research. Finally, the discussion will posit challenges, issues, and areas for future examination for intercultural communication studies.




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