【展览预告】“寻找香格里拉'' —— Searching for Shangri-la新世纪探险特展


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions








[Curator’s Statement]


In Searching for Shangri-la artist and explorer Laurence Brahm adopts the medium of multi-media installation in beckoning to ask: What is Shangri-la, and where could it possibly be located?

The exhibition carries the visitor on a journey of questioning that goes from the realm of the physical to the conscious and then subconscious, through a series of interactive displays presented as installation art.



The source materials for the artistic work derive from drawings, video and photo documentation captured during three Searching for Shangri-la expeditions that were conducted during the first decade of the 21st Century, searching for the lost kingdom of Shangri-la. While the National Geographic explorations succeeded in revealing the origin of the Shangri-la myth, the exhibition as installation art carries the audience as participants along this incredible journey, in the end unlocking mysteries of Shangri-la in their own subconscious.


[Artist’s Statement]


“The notion of Shangri-la arouses our human yearning to explore the unknown, those electro-magnetic fields that lurk within shadows of our subconscious, through platitudes of geometric prisms refracting light that illuminates galaxies which are themselves travelling faster than the speed of time in concentric rotational entanglements.


In finding a pathway across the treacherous mountain passes to the mythical realm of Shangri-la, one must seek access and traverse parallel universes through the digital codes embedded in secret mantra. The alchemy of transformation lies imbedded in our intention, and finds combustion at the sub-particle level of sub-consciousness. It is the magic of intention that decodes entry into boundless expanses of time and space that do not interact within the rules of properties that we have already defined with our own mind. Limitations upon our thinking are conditioned upon a simple sensory construct of the material world that we have been led to believe in, through illusionary images projected by others.


Shangri-la is about defying illusion, living dreams, obtaining a surreal yet overarching understanding of a universe that does not conform to any conventional views of time and space. It is a platitude of interactive co-emergence in juxtaposition of Yin and Yang, the dance of Shiva, the fire of Kali, the silence of Buddhist meditation, the swirl of Sufi dervishes, and the Shaman interconnectivity with everything that ever and will exist.


Remember, from the perspective of our universe’s own consciousness, there are no rational perceptions of any boundaries whatsoever, whether in compassion or destruction. Therefore neither exists, nor does not exist. There is no dispersion, because there was no manifestation. There is no right, and there is no wrong. There is order in chaos, and chaos in order. Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. The ‘is’ is not, and the not is ‘is’.


Shangri-la is the realm of bliss that we all seek to attain within the fragmented splinter of time that we call a lifetime.

But what is bliss?

And what is a lifetime?

Now, ask another question:

Can you find Shangri-la?






Entrance to Exhibition:


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



As the 21st Century dawned, in the year 2000, a debate arose in western China among different regions each claiming to be the historical location of Shangri-la. Cities like Dali, Lijiang, and Zhongdian, vied with Lhasa, Yushu and Xiahe for the designation, all claiming to be the original Shangri-la. Ironically, there was no higher motivation in competing for the title, other than luring tourist dollars.


Nevertheless, the question had finally been put on the table:


Where is the real Shangri-la?


Throughout the first decade of the 21st Century, Searching for Shangri-la Expeditions Project launched three major expeditions to find out the geographical location of Shangri-la. The Project was determined to discover the origins rooted behind the myth.


[Exhibition Room 1: ]


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



Expedition I: Where is Shangri-la?

探险之旅 I:香格里拉在哪里?

The first Searching for Shangri-la expedition launched from Lhasa in 2002 went north to Qinghai, before tracking south through Yunnan Province. Throughout this expedition, the Searching for Shangri-la team pursued one single inquiry: where is Shangri-la? After searching everywhere and conducting countless field interviews, the expedition team determined that Shangri-la could not be found.


[Exhibition Room 2:]


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



Expedition II: Trekking the Tea Caravan Trail

探险之旅 II:踏上茶马古道

Shangri-la was first described in James Hilton’s novel Lost Horizon, published in 1933. Shangri-la captured the Western imagination in the 1930s during the Great Depression when all faith in capital markets and financial materialism was lost. So people turned to loftier ideals of spiritualism, as exemplified by Shangri-la. Due to its popularity, Lost Horizon became one of the first Hollywood movies.

香格里拉最先在詹姆斯•希尔顿(James Hilton)1933年出版的《消失的地平线》一书中被提及。在20世纪30年代席卷资本主义世界的经济大萧条中,香格里拉的概念在这样信心全失的资本市场和物质主义充斥的大环境下让人耳目一新,吸引了西方读者的注意力,让他们视香格里拉为至高境界的精神信仰。《消失的地平线》也因为如此受欢迎而被改编成为首批上映于好莱坞的电影。

Regrouping in 2003, the Searching for Shangri-la expedition team conducted detailed research and analysis of Lost Horizon. They found: historically, James Hilton never visited Asia. He certainly never visited the Himalayas, nor even Tibet for that matter. Hilton apparently based all of his writing on reports from Joseph Rock, National Geographic’s first Bureau Chief in China, based in Yunnan Province.


In 2003, the Searching for Shangri-la expedition team followed the footsteps of Joseph Rock along the Tea Caravan Trail that for centuries had served as the main route for transporting Pu’er tea from Yunnan overland to Lhasa, and on to India. On the return journey back from India, pony caravans carried Buddhist sutra. Historically the Tea Caravan Trail was a vital route for Buddhist philosophy entering China.


During the expedition, it was discovered that “Shangri-la” is actually a misspelling of the word “Shambhala,” an ideal realm in Tibetan Buddhism.

其间,在探险旅途中,我们发现 “香格里拉”其实是藏传佛教中的理想之地——“香巴拉”的误写。

A new question arose:

How to find Shambhala?



Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



There are many ethnic nationalities living along the Tea Caravan Trail route – such as Yi, Bai, Naxi, Mosu, and Tibetan. Each has its own sacred protector mountain. They worship and pay homage to the mountain.



May I ask why people pray to a snow-capped mountain?


The river systems of each village come from the mountain. Snows as they melt with the change of seasons, nurture the fields that provide water - the very source of life itself - to the people. So by praying to the protector mountain and by protecting the delicate ecology of that mountain and its natural environment, the mountain protects the people.


Ecological civilization is not something we invented. It is something they already knew. We are just learning from them.


[Exhibition Room 3:]


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



Expedition III: Following the Shambhala Sutra

探险之旅 III:由着“香巴拉经文”的指引

By 2004 the search for Shambhala had been launched. The Searching for Shangri-la team had discovered a rare ancient text hidden at Tashilumpu Monastery in Shigatze, central Tibet. Could it offer clues? Written in the 1700s by the Sixth Panchen Lama, the sutra serves as a travel guidebook offering physical locations that could possibly guide one to the mysterious realm of Shambhala.


The Searching for Shangri-la expedition soon discovered that the coordinates described in the sutra could not be found on GPS.


Following the Sutra’s designations, the expedition crossed Ngari Prefecture, the most isolated and inaccessible part of western Tibet, arriving upon the ancient abandoned city of Guge, rising out of the desert like a ghost city. Could this be Shambhala?

跟随着经文中描述的地点和方向,探险队行穿越了最偏远而且蛮荒坎坷的西藏西部的阿里地区,最后到达了如同鬼城般屹立在一片黄沙中的古格王国遗址。 这里可能会是我们苦苦寻觅的香巴拉之国吗?

After thorough archeological investigation the expedition team determined that Guge is not Shambhala.


So then where does one go to find Shambhala?

Moreover, what is it?



[Exhibition Room 4:]


Searching for Shangri-la

The Millennium Expeditions



The Legend of Shambhala…


The Shambhala Sutra text reveals a prophecy: 2500 years after the Nirvana of the historical Buddha Lord Shakyamuni, the world will be in the Age of Kali, or self-destruction. Mankind driven by an ideology of greed and shortsighted profit will destroy his own environment through blind economic growth, and exploitative principles that enrich an elite and impoverish the rest. The Shambhala Sutra predicts that in the Age of Kali karmic revenge manifests itself through natural catastrophe, new diseases that cannot be cured, cycles of wars, conflict and terror, all specifically described in the sutra.


The Kings of Shambhala look down, observing this mess. In the Kingdom of Shambhala, everything is harmonious, people respect nature and there are no prejudices. Those who have give to those who don’t. Principles of equality, environmental protection and peace are the philosophy of all twenty-five kings who reign in succession for periods of one hundred years each.


Finally, dismayed by the situation on earth, the last King of Shambhala dispatches the warriors of Shambhala to rid our universe of the demonic forces of greed, anger and ignorance, that are defined by Buddhism as “the three poisons.” Fossil fuels are outlawed and the trading of derivatives regulated. The King of Shambhala then heralds a new era of peace, harmony, ecological civilization, and mutual respect within the community of mankind.


According to the legend explained in the sutra, our future is Shambhala, sometimes misspelled as “Shangri-la.”


But how do we get there?

Try the power of intention.



[Exhibition Conclusion:]

[Artist’s closing statement.]



“Shambhala or Shangri-la, cannot be found.

It cannot be searched for.

In fact, you should not even bother to search for it.

Shambhala can only be created.

Created through the power of intention.

By projecting positive intention to change the circumstances around us.

It can be done any time, any moment, anywhere.

So Shambhala as a space and time configuration can be as tiny as a piece of dust, or as vast and expansive as the totality of a universe that has no limitations. The only limitation is our own mind.

The search for Shambhala or Shangri-la starts with positive intention. Yes, your intention. Not mine, not his, not hers, and not even Buddha’s. It begins with each individual’s intention. In the end it will be our collective intention as individuals that will make a difference.

So would you like to Search for Shangri-la?


Then start by creating it













On different segments of the three Searching for Shangrila expeditions, we were joined by China's leading artists, writers, musicians and dancers, who each felt dedication and commitment to speaking out on protection of the environment, water resources, and cultural heritage. The Searching for Shangrila Expedition wishes to thank each and every one of you for joining us.



People have often asked whether it is true that Himalayan monks can bend metal spoons with just the concentration of their mind. Is it a magic trick or do the properties of spoon change at 4,000 meters above sea level Neither. These monks understand the nature of matter. Actually, the spoon does not exist.


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